Submission Information

All submitted manuscripts must be original, not under submission at another journal, and not under consideration for publication in another form, such as a monograph or chapter of a book. Manuscripts must be unpublished, with the following three exceptions:

  1. publication in the form of an abstract

  2. publication as an academic thesis

  3. publication as an electronic preprint

The submitted manuscript may not be submitted for publication elsewhere until the JFE makes an editorial decision. Failure to observe these rules will result in rejection of your submission.

Please read all of the following before submitting:

All submissions must be done through Editorial Manager. We no longer accept email submissions and will not upload your submission for you if you email it to us. If Editorial Manager does not recognize your email address, you have to register with the system. There’s a “register” button in the upper right part of the screen.

For all submissions except papers that are “accepted pending uploads,” DO NOT upload ANY documents as “Supplementary Material.” Attach extra material such as internet appendices to the end of the paper. If you include supplementary material, your paper will be returned to you.

For revise-and-resubmits on papers whose most recent submission was before July 1, 2021, enter the submission as a new manuscript. This does not mean it is an actual new manuscript; it just means that the old manuscript is not in the new system.

  • Attach notes to the referee to the end of the paper. DO NOT include them as a cover letter or supplementary material.

  • Make sure that the notes to the referee do not contain any identifying information.

  • Let us know it is a revise-and-resubmit in your cover letter so that we can use the previous referees. Do not put this information in “author comments.”

The EM portal now asks you to pay your submission fee at the end. The submission fee for initial submissions is $850. There is no fee for revise-and-resubmits. If you have submission rights from previous on-time referee reports, please email to obtain a submission code that you can use to reduce your fee.

Submissions must include a manuscript without identifying information, conflict of interest statements for all authors (as a single pdf), and a title page with all author identifying information. You can also include any supplemental information, such as internet appendices, which should be attached to the end of the paper.

Cover letters are optional, but if you want to request an exemption from the data or code policy, you must make this request in the cover letter of the initial submission. You can also request an editor to handle your paper. Requests will be granted if there is no conflict of interest involved and if the requested editor’s workload allows for additional assignments.

More details regarding editorial policies are below. While the above instructions are necessary, the information on the editorial policies is also useful.

If you have read these instructions, submit here.

Initial submissions


Unsolicited manuscripts must be submitted online using Editorial Manager and be accompanied by a submission fee of $750. Submission rights earned from previous refereeing assignments can be used to offset the fee.

Note that payment of the submission fee does not guarantee that a full review process will be conducted. Before deciding whether or not to take the time-consuming step of sending a manuscript to referees, the editor in charge of the submitted manuscript reviews each it to ensure that it is appropriate for the journal and that it has a sufficiently high chance of receiving a favorable review. If not, the editor desk rejects the manuscript and asks an associate editor to provide brief anonymous feedback. Note that the editor in charge of the manuscript—not an associate editor—makes the desk rejection decision. Because this process requires time and input from the editors and associate editors, only $300 of the submission fee is refunded for desk rejections. Any one author can receive at most four partial refunds for desk rejections in any one calendar-year, regardless of whether that author is the corresponding author or not. None of the submission fee will be refunded for any desk rejections of submissions received by that author beyond the fourth. All desk rejections are final and cannot be appealed.

All submissions must include a title page PDF with author contact and disclosure information and a separate manuscript PDF without identifying information.

The title page must include the manuscript’s title, as well as the name, affiliation, and email address for each author. The title page PDF should also include an acknowledgments footnote. For accepted papers, the first sentence of the acknowledgement must identify the editor of the paper.

Each author must provide a conflict-of-interest disclosure statement. All disclosure statements should be gathered into one PDF document and uploaded separately with the submission. Resubmissions must also include a disclosure statement. The disclosure statement must be included even if the authors have nothing to disclose, and this fact should then be stated explicitly.

The manuscript PDF must be anonymous and should not include author information or acknowledgments. It must include the title and an abstract not to exceed 100 words. The manuscript must be double-spaced with a 12-point or larger font and a minimum of one-inch margins. For initial submissions, if the manuscript includes an online appendix, it must be attached to the end of the main manuscript file. The online appendix must be marked clearly and not contain author names. For initial submissions, high-resolution figures should be avoided to limit file size.

Final accepted manuscripts must conform to the JFE’s style guidelines. Online appendices for accepted manuscripts must contain all identifying author information and be submitted separately. They will be included with the article in ScienceDirect.

Manuscripts must be written in English and checked for spelling, grammar, and syntax before submission. Few initial submissions are free from any typos or grammar glitches, but manuscripts will be desk rejected if the editor believes reading the paper will put an unfair burden on referees.



Resubmissions should be made within 18 months of the initial decision. Any revisions submitted after 18 months will be considered as a new submission and need not receive the same editor or referee. Exceptions to this policy should be based on hardship and discussed with the editor before resubmission.

Resubmissions should include separate documents that summarize any responses to comments made by the referee(s) and editor. Authors are strongly encouraged to point out the pages in the submitted manuscript that contain any changes that have been made. Long, rambling response documents are discouraged.

The editors will strive to limit the number of rounds of revision by providing clear guidelines when offering revise-and-resubmit decisions. In addition, whenever possible, editors will strive to treat later-round referee reports containing only minor comments as recommendations of conditional acceptance.

Resubmissions of papers previously rejected at the JFE will be desk rejected, and none of the submission fee will be refunded. The authors of these papers will be banned from submitting to the journal for two years. Occasionally, authors of rejected manuscripts have revised their work sufficiently that the manuscript can be considered an entirely new and different paper. In such a case, the author must notify the editor about the previous rejection, and the editor reserves the right to desk reject the submission, although $300 of the fee will be refunded if the editor is notified, and if the author has not already received four desk rejections.



The JFE aims to provide swift manuscript turnaround. Submission fees will be refunded for any decisions rendered after 120 days. The editors will not make “reject-and-resubmit” decisions. Instead, all decisions will take the form of desk rejections, rejections, revise-andresubmits, conditional acceptances, and outright acceptances.

Accepted manuscripts


Authors of all accepted manuscripts are encouraged to share their work, as outlined in Elsevier’s policies for promoting and sharing articles.